Travel Info

Tour Difficulty Rating
In this page we explained the relative difficulty of our Trekking, Mountaineering, Mountain Biking and Horseback riding tours. The difficulty grade is measured by a scale of three as Easy, Moderate and Demanding. Each tour difficulty grade is indicated by our color gauge. On this page, the difficulty grade is listed in ascending order of difficulty.
Please make sure to read the explanation on difficulty grades before booking tours with us.
Obviously, length of the day, terrain, altitude and weather conditions are main factors that contribute to the difficulty of our tours. Since some of those factors are changeable, any system of grades can only provide a general indication of tour conditions. If you have any special physical or health conditions that we must be aware of, please report them when filling in our booking form or by contacting us by email.
All of our tours which include a significant amount of walking are considered to be treks. These range from short one or two hours long hikes on established trails to extended treks in wilderness areas, with a full trek crew and pack-animal support. The following grades should be considered in conjunction with each individual trek description.
EASY - suitable for most people in good health, these trips include only a short element of trekking, which is predominately on good paths and at low altitude.
MODERATE - this grade is suitable for most hikers and generally involves shorter days at moderate altitude, on good paths and tracks. However, a reasonable level of fitness is required as these treks can involve certain amounts of ascent and descent and the occasional long days.
DEMANDING - toughest treks, physically challenging and suitable for experienced hikers who are used to intensive days. These treks can involve difficult and sometimes glaciated areas, as well as lengthy periods at high altitude.
Our mountain climbing tours include an element of climbing, usually on snow, where ropes and other items of mountaineering equipment will normally be used. Difficulty grading here indicates the technical difficulty of the ascent involved and takes into account factors such as overall steepness, exposure and objective dangers.
EASY - our easiest climbs, which are generally on easy angled snow-slopes, with no objective dangers. Depending on the prevailing conditions, mountaineering ice-axe and crampons may be used. Ropes may be fixed on short, steeper sections of ascent.
MODERATE - elements such as crevasses and steep snow slopes may be encountered. A mountaineering ice-axe and crampons will be used. Ropes can be fixed on steeper sections of the climb and group members may need to climb roped together at times.
DEMANDING - applied to our toughest climbs - involving long climbing days, possibly at high altitudes, with steep snow slopes, exposed ridges and crevassed sections. Full mountaineering equipment and previous mountain climbing experience are required.
Our mountain biking tours are vehicle-supported wherever feasible. As well as enabling you to ride with only your usual day-ride kit, this also means that you can hitch a ride if you find the going too tough.
EASY - our least technically demanding tours at low altitude, involving short ride distances. With no serious climbs nor steep and sustained descents. We will normally ride on well established tracks and hard pack surfaces.
MODERATE - these are usually longer trips at medium altitude, involving longer days and steeper and more sustained climbs, which demand a reasonable amount of effort. More technical riding will include some short sections that are too tricky to ride. A good fun challenge for the regular biker.
DEMANDING - our toughest bike trips involve long days, big climbs, remote locations and high altitudes. There will be some sections where we will have to push or carry our bikes. These trips will provide a real sustained workout for bikers, but it is enough for experienced mountain bikers.
Our mountain biking tours are vehicle-supported wherever feasible. As well as enabling you to ride with only your usual day-ride kit, this also means that you can hitch a ride if you find the going too tough.
Our horse riding tours are also vehicle-supported wherever feasible. When in mountains and woods riding is usually done on established trails, whereas more open spaces of which there is plenty in Mongolia riders can gallop almost anywhere. All riding tours are accompanied by experienced local riders who constantly watch after safety and tack. Only two levels of difficulty are applied to our horse riding tours.
EASY - suitable for most people in good health, these trips include only a short element of riding, which is predominately on even terrain and open spaces.
MODERATE - this grade is suitable for both regular riders and new learners and requires a reasonable level of fitness. Riding days last from 4-6 hours and new learners are given one day of acclimatization, horse and tack adjustment.